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Thrifty Thursday

Updated: Feb 23, 2021

For a few months now, I’ve been featuring budget-friendly bottles on my Instagram page. For the sake of argument, I’m defining “Budget” as a bottle $25 or under. The hunt doesn’t always have to include bottles being held behind counters or in locked glass cases. There are plenty of diamonds in the rough if you give them a chance. I chuckle to myself when folks speed down the Bourbon Aisle in hopes they find a hidden Weller or Blanton’s just chilling on the shelf. In North Carolina, that is almost guaranteed never to happen. Those speedsters zip past mid-level to lower level bottles and usually walk out disappointed and immediately post on their local group pages that such and such store “had nothing.” They couldn’t be further from the truth. A little research and a little understanding will lead you to those ankle-biters. Big name distilleries like Buffalo Trace, Heaven Hill, Barton, Jim Beam and more, put out plenty of unicorns, but they also produce those unicorns in younger and more experimental forms. There are some great finds available at stores all the time. You do not have to chase a truck all around town. Tons of everyday sippers are available at your disposal and those bottles will not break the bank. Hey, I’m in to saving money while enjoying quality whiskey...I don’t know about you...

Be sure to follow along on my Instagram page each week when I feature a new Thrifty-Thursday find.

Cheers All! 🥃📖🥃

1 Comment

Feb 19, 2021

Early Times BiB in a 1L for $25 is a steal in my opinion for the thrifty Thursday. Thoughts?

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