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Trade-Up Tuesday - Part 1

Have you all seen or heard about the woman who started with a hairpin and traded it all the way up to a house? If you haven’t, it’s really an impressive journey and I suggest you check it out. It was fun to watch her and it sparked an idea. Why not do something similar…but with Bourbon / Whiskey? Mid-December 2021, I started my own little social experiment and I’ve documented the details along the way. No money is ever exchanged in these trades, only bottles. While I’m not quite finished, I’d love to share the progress and stories with each of you thus far. I will reveal a new step of my experiment every Tuesday titled: TRADE-UP TUESDAY.

So, here we are. Part 1:

I wanted to start with a bottle that doesn’t cost a lot but is also somewhat difficult to find in some parts. I originally started with Heaven Hill 6 Year Green Label but it really didn’t gather much interest for some reason. I thought about a bottle that is comparable and landed on J.T.S. Brown. A sub-fifteen bottle but certainly respected in the Bourbon-World. Bottled In Bond (100 Proof) and of course, distilled by Heaven Hill, this seemed to spark a bit more interest. I put it out there for folks to DM me with any offers they had. I actually received quite a few initially. But it wasn’t always about the glamour of the bottle I’d get in return, it was mostly about trying to help folks land a particular offering they may have been on the hunt for. I also wanted to make sure what I received in return would spark enough interest to keep this going.

After weighing out a bunch of options, this first trade landed me a Buffalo Trace Single Barrel Select for the J.T.S. Brown. I felt it was a great swap and both parties were happy. Stay tuned next week for the next installment of TRADE-UP TUESDAY

Do you think this was a good first trade?

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