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Trade-Up Tuesday - Part 17

I’m a little bummed out that this will be my next to last post for this project. On the flip-side, this was a monster trade in my opinion. I honestly didn’t see this coming. A friend simply reached out to me and asked if I was still trading up and if the bottle of Old Overholt 11 year Rye was still available. With a little hesitation, I said yes. That hesitation was because I was reluctant to trade that away. Yeah, I wanted it for my personal collection and came close to popping the top on a few occasions. Well, I’m happy to report I did not. After hearing a few options, one really stuck out to me and I knew this trade was happening in some form or another. But we both agreed it was too one sided so I started offering up other bottles I had amassed in the Trade-Up inventory. The following blockbuster was the result:

Old Overholt 11 Year Rye & Smoke Wagon Uncut Unfiltered Batch 120 for a Kentucky Owl 11 Year Rye Batch 2.

This trade worked for both of us and it really put this entire project into perspective.

Only one week left in this Trade-Up Tuesday. Stay tuned!


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