One of the hardest parts of this project was not telling everyone what I was planning. Only a select number of folks knew what I wanted to do. Also, each person I traded, I made it a point to explain the bottle(s) I received would be turned right around and traded out, just out of respect.
The two 1792 Single Barrel Selections brought quite the attention as I had anticipated. The offers flooded my inbox and it was tough to determine who’s I would go with. But after careful consideration, I felt this trade was the best for both parties and more in line for what I was working on. So the two 1792’s were moved for a Blood Oath Pact 7. It was the entire presentation so it also included the wooden box. As always, I made sure this was something the other party wouldn’t have any regrets trading. A smiling face and a great meetup proved there was no regret.
Recap: JTS Brown -> Buffalo Trace SiB Selection -> 2x Henry McKenna 10 Year -> 1792 SiB (SP) & 1792 BiB (SP) -> Blood Oath Pact 7